I received a phone call last night saying a gentlemen in my church had suffered a heart attack and was being transported to a hospital in San Antonio at 11:00p.m. last night. The news didn't sound good and I rushed to the hospital to find that my good friend Virgil Williams had gone home to be with the Lord. I was extremely saddened but remained as strong as I could for the family. The last thing the family needed was for their Pastor to go to pieces. After several hours at the hospital with Virgil's family and friends, I returned home at 4:00a.m. this morning. I hadn't had a good cry until I got to my office about 12:00p.m. today and I just sat down and cried for the loss that many of us are feeling through Virgil's death. It was so fast and unexpected. I still have to remind myself that he really is gone. Of all the men in the church I pastor, 2 men, without fail would give me a hug every Sunday morning; Virgil was one of them. I'll miss his hugs on Sunday morning. I'll miss his humor, authenticity and all around good nature. He was truly a one of a kind.
You will be missed my friend...
2Cr 5:8 We are confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
Please do not take this as mere christian jargon, but I will definitely be praying for you and Virgil's family through this time of mourning. Your authenticity as expressed here is a real encouragement to me. May God grant others in your congregation who will continue to bring encouragement, friendship and support to you.
Thanks for the encouragement and prayers. It is truly appreciated. We've all lost loved ones and it's always difficult but it's heart warming to know others are praying for you.
I am sorry for your loss
Thank you.
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