Colin Lamm brought to my attention yesterday that he had a bit of trouble posting a comment on my blog. I don't think it's just mine as a blog I frequent at Moved Mountains also hosted by Blogspot is doing the same whenever I post a comment on his site. I'll be contacting tech support to see if I can find an explanation and a fix to this issue. So, if you tried to post a comment and found that you couldn't, I apologize. I have found that if you try 3 times, it generally accepts the comment. Sorry for the inconvenience. :)
Yeah, it's annoying! I actually don't like the blogger comment interface at all.
I've changed a thing or two in my settings and it appears to be doing ok now...*fingers crossed*
I see you're using the pop-up comments interface - I think I'll change mine over too - what else have you done to try and fix things?
I think that may be it. So far, so good. :)
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