What is so important about events like this? Well, for one, we all are very busy in our lives with different things that it's not often we spend much time with each other outside the context of church. We see one another often but we seldom just sit down and eat together outside of the fellowship hall of our church building. Going to a neutral place helps us to relax and not think about budgets, ministry strategy and so forth. It was really a nice evening just relaxing and enjoying the company of those you work so closely with but often fail to get close to. Here are a few pictures of our evening. :)

This last picture shows my wife and I. Isn't she pretty?!?!
Patty, our Secretary was without her husband Ken tonight as he was sick and our Youth Pastors Paul and Dennine are in Florida so we missed them all not being with us tonight! To you, the viewer, these look like ordinary people, but I must tell you these are extraordinary individuals who really put themselves out in many ways to love and care for others! For this, I'm so thankful to God!
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