I didn't hesitate to answer, "Faith!" This is a faith effort. We're not building 17,000 square feet because we need it today, we're building it because we're going to need it tomorrow! Faith always sees past today into the future. To simply live for the here and now doesn't take any real degree of faith. What does require real faith is to engage in something that doesn't make sense. To do something illogical and plain stupid. So here's what I've come to believe and this is now a core conviction of mine. "Stupid Faith" To live in stupid faith. The vast majority of the time when you tell someone what God has asked you to do and you're doing it, it appears stupid in the natural. It's always illogical and almost NEVER makes any sense. I've come to believe that if it makes sense to me, it's not God and I should look real hard at what it is I'm doing. Since January of 1998, my wife and I have been living STUPID FAITH. Believing God to do amazing things through a small community church with God-sized vision and faith! We're no longer at 25 people....we're 80+ on our way to 500 or more! For a town with a population of only 950 something, it's sounds pretty stupid to think Living Springs can become a 500+ member church.
I'll take stupid faith over logic any day!
Whatever it is God is asking you to do, step out in stupid faith. It makes much more sense than you could ever imagine!
After reading the "Lion Chaser" book I had a few things come to mind that will take some stupid Faith to accomplish...but hey...without stupid Faith...my life would be so boring!
Let's hear about it! I'm rawrin to go! Cept I'm in Kentucky right now :) I'll be back in on the 18th!
Thank you for this blog post. I don't think it's any accident that I found it during a time of testing my faith. I've been standing for a relationship I'm in for the past 2 years. From the outside, it doesn't seem realistic at all. But I know what God has promised me and I am very blessed that He reminds me often. The enemy wants to steal away my blessing and have me believe otherwise. So again, I thank you for the encouragement but mostly I thank God for leading me here.
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