I have...Shortly after moving to Texas City, Texas from Bandera, Texas, I changed the address on my Driver's License to reflect my new address. $11.00 and 3 weeks later, they arrived in the mail. I took my old license from my wallet and compared the new information to the old and everything was satisfactory. So, I put what I "thought" was my new license in my wallet and placed what I "thought" was my old license on my desk for discard later. Later came and I took the license that was lying on my desk and proceeded to my kitchen. You have a junk drawer in your house right? The drawer where all of the odd things end up. We do too. The scissors are in this particular drawer. I grabbed them with confidence and began cutting up my license that had previously been lying on my desk. All is well. That is until I go to the bank to cash a check and they want to see identification. Beaming with confidence, I pull out my long, black leather wallet and extract my new license. Just because I like the look of my new address, I glanced down to see it again and what I saw stopped me in my tracks. I mumbled something under my breath. It was something like, O CRAP, NO I DIDN'T! I had cut up my NEW Driver's License not my OLD Drivers License.
I felt sooo stupid! So now I have to pay another $11.00 to get another Driver's License which will take another 3 weeks! Whoever said stupidity doesn't cost, never met me. :-)
Ouch!! I guess one consolation is that you don't live up here where a replacement would cost you $60.00.
Yes, $60.00 would have made me cry! :)
DOH! sounds like the kinda thang i would do :)
Paul, not you too! :)
Us from Cali would never do something like that. Must be a Texas thing!
You what what they say, "Everything is bigger in Texas". Well it would appear even the stupid things are too. :)
hehehe sorry I had to giggle, sounds like a Cindy thing to me..LOL ohh I meant to post earlier on the pic of your little boy shaving, he really favors his Auntie Tracy when she was a little girl...I think it is the dark eyes..it is hard for me to imagine Tiff, Tracy and Tori all grown up..I remember as a kid us going to TX to see them when they lived wayyyyyyyyyyyy down deep in South TX and I remember coming one year and us all going to Galveston...LOL
Traci? :) I think he looks like me ;)
welll see now, I have never met you, but I can see lots of his momma and aunties in him like they looked when I seen them last...LOL...next time I go to my momma's there is a picture she has of Traci, and I will get it and scan it and email it to you all...I really think it is the eyes..and complexion...
Sooooooo heheh do you look like Traci too??? ROFL
lol, I hope I don't look like Traci. She may look like me though! :)
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