Another benefit to driving a school bus is the route I'm on. Others in the transportation department would argue with me but I think God has uniquely placed me where I am on my route. I transport the JJAEP Students. JJAEP stands for, Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program. Yes, I transport the "bad" kids. But you know what? Over the last month since school started here I believe God has really let me see these kids in a way other than the way many see them..."convicts". When others are referring to the students I transport, they say things like "You got those convict kids on your bus, you better watch them". I don't see "convicts", I see lives. Lives that are full of potential and lives that God loves and Christ died for. I refuse to label these kids as "convicts".
Last week I loaded an ice chest up with ice and filled it up with bottled water. When my students boarded the bus, they were amazed that I had thought of them in this way to bring them cold water. The first student on the bus asked me, "Is this on you man?" I said, yes it's on me...enjoy. He replied, "Man, not everyone would do that, thanks!". He made certain that everyone who boarded the bus thanked me for bringing cold water for them to drink.
My prayer is that this bus route would be more than a job but an avenue to do ministry even if those receiving it aren't aware it's "ministry". The vast majority of these kids are from single parent homes and are struggling at best to understand life and the hand that has been dealt them. I hope that over the course of my time as their bus driver I'll be able to have a positive influence in their lives.
Our new church work is going well and I'll be writing more about what's taking place soon! Stay tuned!
Great post! My sister works as an aid in the public school system in a special class for ED (emotionally disturbed) kids. Needless to say, prayer and intercession have become a big part of her ministry to those kids. Lord bless you as you minister to your 'special-needs' kids on the bus!
Thanks, Sarah!
I have found a new appreciation for bus drivers and all those that work with children everyday.
i hope you weren't blogging and driving the bus at the same time ;) that's the wrong kinda first, lol
Good post!
lol, I should try that. Maybe I'd get more posting in that way! 0_o
Shannon - blessings in your ministry there. Sounds like the Lord is leading you into great places. Driving a bus .... reaching out to those on it ... blooming where your planted, brother. Exactly what God wants.
Thanks for stopping in and commenting!
I would love to hear what is occurring. I have always thought I would love to do the bus driving for school. I could work it into my schedule .. but the snow / ice and that responsibility has scared me.
Thanks for stopping in and commenting.
I love driving. I wasn't sure I would though. Like everything else, it has its ups and downs but overall it has been an enriching experience for me. :)
You are such an inspiration to others by sharing your testimony of your job. It has been my experience when I talk to people they tell me that "they" cant make a difference because they are not called to ministry. I always tell people...ministry is about more than being a pastor, or worship leader....our life IS the ministry. Its just where we are called to serve that is uniquely ours.
We lead by example so thanks for sharing with others ~ M
You're exactly right...ministry is what we're all called to do. Thanks for posting.
hey long time no hear, hope you guys are doing good, would love to hear a update on the church and you guys..
Hi Cindy,
I know it's been a long time. I think about getting more active on my blog again almost everyday. Life is extremely busy right now. The church is doing well and we're putting some new things together. I will blog about them all very soon. :)
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