As of today May 28th, 2007, I am no longer the lead pastor of Living Springs Church. It is still a bit surreal to me but it's my new reality. Even in the midst of packing up our house to move to a new city I find myself longing to be in my office reading or preparing a sermon. It's odd, this way I feel. I'm not sure how to express the emotions I feel inside. On the one hand I'm so incredibly excited about moving to Dickinson, Texas to begin working in this new church plant and then on the other hand I'm incredibly sad to see nine and a half years of pastoring this wonderful congregation of people come to an end. Nothing has changed yet everything has changed. I'm torn on the inside. However, I'm certain of God's call to Dickinson.
Yesterday was our farewell service. I don't think I've ever had a more difficult time speaking than when I was saying goodbye to my church. I fear I didn't properly express my sincerest feelings of love I have for them. I hope they heard my heart through my broken words.
Also, yesterday afternoon we had a dedication service. My board of advisors requested that I dedicate our new building before I leave. It was such a high honor to dedicate to God's work the wonderful building that he gave us to worship in. So much ministry is now happening and taking place that we were never able to do before God allowed us to build. I'll forever be grateful for God's direction in that. It was a wonderful dedication and farewell service. The people were kind, thoughtful and sincere in their expression of love for me and my family.
So, Friday we're leaving town with our Uhaul fully packed and ready to go we head off to our new assignment, Dickinson, Texas. I'm not afraid. I'm excited. I've seen the hand of God move so wonderfully in Bandera that I'm certain this new mission will prove to be a testament to God's goodness again. Our first Sunday will be June 17th. When we leave Bandera on the 1st of June, we'll be headed toward Dickinson and we'll arrive that night to begin unloading the Uhaul. Sunday the 3rd I'm scheduled to stop by a dear friends church in Beaumont, Texas to preach on our way to spend a couple of weeks with my folks in Alabama. After a short vacation/rejuvenation, we'll arrive back in Dickinson ready to begin work!
I'll be without an Internet connection for several weeks during the move and transition time but once we get settled in I'll be blogging on all that God is doing in our new work and lives. Pray for us and the wonderful people of both Living Springs and Dickinson (Bayou Community Church).
See ya in a few weeks!